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Selectmen's Minutes - March 4, 2003
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2003

Present:   Robert Forte, Catherine Kuchinski, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones.  Also present were Executive Secretary E. Winn Davis and Executive Assistant Meredith Scozzari.

7:40 p.m. Chairman Kuchinski called the meeting to order and read the announcements.

I.      School Building Project – Mr. Jones informed the Board that the Senator Creedon filed an amendment to the State budget for SBA reimbursement for communities which have already set aside funding for building projects.  Representative Webster was present and indicated that the House and Senate have approved the amendment.  The building committee is waiting for the Governor to sign and also approval from Conservation.

II.     Paul Dias – Government Watchers – Mr. Dias read a letter addressing concerns regarding the Plymouth County Hospital project.  He highlighted the value of the property, purchase price, amenities TIF agreement, associated town costs and water issues.  Chairman Kuchinski addressed the issue of the TIF indicating the Assessors are working with Baran on the matter.  She also indicated the purchase and sales agreement has been signed but no closing date has been set.  Mr. Forte addressed the issues regarding the amenities indicating the Town will receive cash in lieu of a pool due to the high cost of maintaining a pool, the van for seniors will be used for the Hanson senior center.  Tennis courts will be available to the residents of the Hanson when not being used by the residents of the over 55 development.  Mr. Jones reviewed the entire RFP process indicating that after advertising statewide only three companies submitted responses and BARAN was selected after extensive analysis showed that company met all conditions and had the most value to the Town.  Mr. Jones outlined the TIF process and pointed out that the Town will have to vote approval of a TIF at the May Special Town meeting.  He also pointed out that the cost of demolition of the hospital would be in excess of one million dollars.  Mr. Jones also pointed out that the townspeople had clearly supported the project in town forums and at two town meetings.  He also presented a timetable demonstrating the numerous times BARAN had met with town officials, Boards and the Water Department in order to comply with all Hanson town demands.  Mrs. McSweeney echoed Mr. Jones comments.   Mr. Davis pointed out that the Town maintains a covenant over the property if Baran defaults on any of the terms, the property will revert back to the town.  The Board discussed the water issues and the HUD application.

III.    Whitman Hanson Track Boosters – Beth Drewniak of the Whitman Hanson Track Boosters has requested permission to conduct a Bottle Drive April 12th 8 – 4 at the High School.

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Jones to grant the W-H Track Boosters to hold a bottle drive on April 12th from 8 – 4 at the High School.   Voted 4 – 0.

IV.     Appointments –
Dana Larsen as acting Veteran’s Burial Agent and Veteran’s Grave Officer
Joan Malone 223 Elm Street              Board of Registrars – Democrat  Exp. 3/31/06

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Jones to appoint Dana Larsen acting Veteran’s Burial Agent and Grave Officer.  Voted 4 – 0.

MOTION by Jones, second by McSweeney to appoint Joan Malone to the Board of Registrars.  Term to expire March 31, 2006.  Voted 4 – 0.

V.      Resignation – Michael King’s resignation from Conservation Commission – Mrs. McSweeney moved acceptance with regret and Mr. Forte seconded.  The Board discussed accepting the resignation while several issues, in particular the W-H school construction project, were outstanding in Conservation.  Due to the quorum problem, the Board requested Mr. Davis contact Mr. King to see if he will stay on the Commission to vote the outstanding matters.  Mrs. McSweeney withdrew her motion and Mr. Forte withdrew his second.

VI.     Vote to declare vehicles surplus – Recreation Commission declaring two vehicles surplus
        ’68 International Lo-Boy tractor  Serial #:T0423D141245
        ’85 Dodge W300 Pickup 4x4  VIN#: 1B7KW36WW3FS589143

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Forte to declare 1968 International Lo-Boy tractor  Serial #:T0423D141245 and 1985 Dodge W300 Pickup 4x4  VIN#: 1B7KW36WW3FS589143 as surplus.  Voted 4 – 0.

VII.    Commuter Rail Parking Lot – Tabled to 4/1

VIII.   Discussion of lottery aid cuts on FY 04 Budget & prospective hiring freeze – The Finance Committee, Town Accountant, Board of Health and Representative Webster discussed the financial condition of the Town and the State.  Representative Webster confirmed 4:00 p.m. conference call on Thursday, March 5, 2003 with the Governor’s office, Administration and Finance, finance committee town accountant, school superintendent and any other department, wishing to attend. Rep. Webster pointed out that the budget submitted by the Governor must be approved by the House and Senate.  The House is set to review it in April or May.  Hanson will have a $800,000 deficit.  The Boards discussed reducing the shortfall through cutbacks and creatively filling of positions.  Mr. Davis suggested a hiring freeze to include current vacancies at the conservation commission, transfer station and library.  Mrs. Gomez suggested delaying the hiring until the budget is approved in May.  She pointed out that if we hire now and can’t afford the personnel, the Town will have to pay $15,000 per person in unemployment. Mr. Davis to speak with the unions regarding coverage in different offices to avoid layoffs.  The Board tabled the vote on the hiring freeze until contract concerns are addressed with the understanding that no new hires will be made in the meantime.  Mrs. Gomez will prepare a breakdown of the budget by fixed costs, services and salaries.

9:47 p.m. Brief Recess

9:58 p.m.  Returned to Open session

IX.     Executive Secretary’s Report – Mr. Davis informed the Board that Alan Hanscom of VHB will be leaving the VHB, but he has made arrangements to be the Town’s liaison for the remainder of the contract and outstanding task orders.  There will be a 40B seminar on March 25 at the Cape Coder in Hyannis from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; received a health care survey from Easton which has been forwarded to the Treasurer/Collector, Com Cast has filed their rate information.  Lou Russo, Com Cast’s governmental liaison for Hanson has been replaced by Nancy Leonardo.  Mass. Electric has filed its Right to Know policy.  Dean Anderson has requested he be placed on the Selectmen’s agenda.  Chairman Kuchinski suggested Mr. Anderson write to the Board of Health and forward their response to the Selectmen and the Selectmen will discuss whether they should get involved.  Chief Hoyt is looking to up grade Barbara Murphy.  The office received info for grants for residents needing lead paint abatements.

X.      Goals & Objectives – The Board reviewed the Executive Assistant’s goals and objectives.  Mr. Jones suggested an addition of getting draft-meeting minutes to the clerk within 2 weeks of the meetings.  No other changes were suggested.

XI.     Executive Session – Lieutenant’s Contract – Chairman Kuchinski announced that the Board would be holding a brief Executive Session regarding the Lieutenant’s contract under Item #3, contract negotiations with non-union personnel.

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Jones to go into Executive Session under Item #3.  Roll Call – Jones aye, McSweeney aye, Kuchinski aye, and Forte aye.  Voted 4 – 0.

10:15 p.m. Brief Recess

10:36 p.m. Back in open session – Chairman Kuchinski announced that one vote was taken but as it involved negotiations, the results will not be released.  

MOTION by Jones, second by Forte to adjourn.  Voted 4 – 0.

                10:37 p.m. Meeting adjourned.